Talking about Sports

Thứ sáu - 26/01/2018 21:21

- What is your favourite sport?

- My favourite sport is playing table tennis

- Swimming is a good sport

- Do you work out often?

- Do you like watching or playing it?

- Do you like climbing mountains?

- Do you like to play outdoor sports?

- That was a really close game

- How about another round of bowling with me?

- Bowling is becoming popular these days, isn’t it?

- What do you think is the most popular sport in Vietnam?

- I definitely think football is.

- There are millions of crazy football fans in Vietnam

- Which do you prefer, football, badminton or table tennis?

- The footballer has lots of fans

- My team won your team

- What was the result of the Vietnam and Quatar game?

- It’s two – all at the moment

- If they play as the normally do, they should win

- Do you like to go running?

- I’m still a lot of run in my after the race

- Do you like to play tennis?

- I really like football

- Do you like to jump?

- How many meters in height can you jump?

- I used to do a great skating when I was a boy

- I’ve been taken part in physical training

- We are now learning something about track and field games

- He’s just an amateur

Tác giả bài viết: Đoàn Thị Thanh Tuyền

Nguồn tin: ST

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